About me

My name is Angus, I am a recent graduate of The University of Sheffield where I studied computer science.

I have been coding since I was 12 years old, since then I have written countless programs, learned numerous skills and languages and worked in teams to create real world applications.

Hobbies etc

In my spare time I like to create websites and other useful applications, I also enjoy other activities such as...

  • Archery
  • PC Gaming
  • Football
  • The Gym
  • Photography
  • Graphic design

Top 5 languages

My five favourite programming languages


Python logo


Ruby logo


PHP logo


Java logo


Swift logo


Favourite software

Here's some of my favoutite software I use on a daily basis

Name Category

Sublime text logo

Sublime text Text Editor

Sublime merge logo

Sublime merge Git client

Tableplus logo

Tableplus Database client

Affinity Designer logo

Affinity designer Graphic design

Pycharm logo

Pycharm Python IDE

Docker logo

Docker Containerization tool
Macbook pro

About this site

Find out about the technologies and languages that were used to create this site, the code for this site is also available on Github.


This site is built using Laravel, a PHP framework for creating modern web applications, data is stored in a MYSQL database and I am using the Eloquent ORM to interact with data from my application.


To manage the content of the website I am using a custom built CMS, I can use this to easily create, delete and update information on this site.



To style this website I am using Tailwind CSS with Daisy UI components, rendered using Laravel's blade templates.


I am making use of Livewire for AJAX requests to the backend and Alpine JS for any frontend scripts

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